Water control panels

Water control panels include following vital components:

  • A filter, to filtrate and clean the water
  • A meachanical water counter to register the water consumption
  • Two three way ball valves to create a by pass for the medicator connection
  • Hard board panel on which all components are mounted
  • Available in ¾”and 1” tube diameters


  • A pulse emitter to automatically register the water consumption in the main computer
  • A watervalve to allow time controlled allow water delivery

A main pressure reducer valve (in combination with filter or separate) reduces the pressure to 1,5-2,0 bar. The water then passes through the watermeter from which water consumption can be read. After the watermeter the water can pass throught the medicator when connected. The medicator injects the solution into the drinking water. The water is then diverted from the main supply line in the house to the individual drinking Lines.

Supply tubes either ¾”or 1” diameter. Watercontrol panels are supplied pre assembled facilitating fast and trouble free installation. Water control panels optionally can be supplied with solenoid valve for automatic cut off of the water supply, to allow timer controlled waterdelivery to the birds.

Water consumption can be monitored from the computer when connected to a pulse emitter. This enables efficiënt management of waterintake and general condition of your poultry.